

Effective date

An effective date or as of date is the date upon which something is considered to take effect, which may be a past, present or future date.

effective date - 英中

[...] starting from 1 July 2012 (“Effective Date”). glencore.com. glencore.com.

Effective Date Definition

In contract law, the effective date is the date that an agreement or transaction between or among signatories becomes binding.

Effective date Definition & Meaning

7 天前 — The meaning of EFFECTIVE DATE is the day when a law, rule, contract, etc., starts to be used.

EFFECTIVE DATE | English meaning

The effective date of a purchase made through an investment dealer is the date the order is received by the Fund in which the shares are being purchased.

effective date | Wex | US Law

The effective date is the date on which a statute, contract, or other such legally binding instrument takes effect or becomes operative and enforceable.

on the effective date - 英中

[...] shall become effective on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of one month after the date of receipt of [...].

生效日期,effective date,元照英美法詞典- 免費線上查詢!

詞條. effective date. 中文. 生效日期. 解釋. 指制定法、合同、保險單或其他法律文書可執行或生效的日期。生效日期有時並不同於這些法律文件的頒布日期和簽署日期。

辭職信點計Effective Date Last Day分別

2022年7月25日 — 辭職信裡面一定要寫明您的離職生效日Effective Date 或最後工作日Last Day,本文會教您點樣計算這兩個日子,以及有什麼特殊情況需要注意。